Monday, May 31, 2010

We are now over three months into our Pittsburgh experience, Kristy and I are transitioning pretty well. We've found a church that we really agree with, and have sparked a few relationships. It's a little odd trying to make new friends...... In some ways, it's like dating

  • we get a little anxious about going out (to lunch or dinner in our case). These could be our new friends.....

  • we want to make a good impression and don't want to come across as desperate, but

  • we really want it to work out!

I remember how difficult it was to make friends when I moved to Tulsa, OK many years ago, and I thought I was busy then. Now with a young family, 2 realities have set in: 1) if you don't have good friends by the time you make it to this phase in life, it is increasingly difficult to invest time in new relationships (we are making every effort to do that!), and 2) it took me 30+ years to build the relationships that I have today - that cannot be duplicated in 4 months!

But this is a good post! We still lean on our friends in AR, TX and MS. Kristy and I have become closer through this experience, and we are slowly breaking into the community here. Also, Byron and Carter are becoming best buds. They are crazy about each other.

Together at bathtime!

Hanging out on "Momma's bed"

Byron in Carter's bed. We find him in there from time to time. This borders on he probably shouldn't be climbing in there and is going to end up hurting himself or Carter vs. It's just too cute.

Clearly, Carter is not comfortable with the flash. Byron, on the other hand, is right at home.

In closing:

"'Tis neither promise nor prayer nor show
Will settle the finding for 'ee
Nine hundred and nintey-nine of 'em go
By your looks, or your acts, or your glory.
But if he finds you and you find him
The rest of the world don't matter;
For the Thousandth Man will sink or swim
With you in any water."

by Rudyard Kipling

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Mother's Day! I had a great Mother's Day.
We went to church, out to lunch, and got a long nap.

Baba and Pop Pops (Kristy's Dad & Step-mom) came to visit us last week.
We had a lot of fun with them. We went to the outlet malls, a candy factory
(Sarris Candies-pics above), Reagan and Pop Pops took Byron to Dayton, OH
for a Ham Radio Convention while Baba and I took Carter to the Carnegie Art
and Natural History museums.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Race Day

Reagan just completed his first 1/2 marathon in 2 hours 3 min... in the rain! We are so proud of him. The boys and I rode the T (Trolley) to downtown and tried to wait for him at the finish line, but with a double stroller and umbrella it wasn't going to happen. So, we waited for him to come through the line after he finished.

Other cute pics of the boys. We haven't really been up to much lately!