Saturday, June 26, 2010


We are back from a 2-week trip to Arkansas. We had sooooo much fun! The boys were champs on the car-ride (15 hours - 2 travel days). We stayed with Uncle Charles & Aunt Betty, saw lots of friends (I didn't post pics b/c I didn't know if they would want them on here or not) and family in NWA, went to a Naturals game, ate at some of our favorite restaurants, and even visited the doctor (Carter had an ear infection). Then went to Dallas for a couple of days to visit Nana & Papa Larry and the Livers, then to Little Rock to visit Mimi & Bah Bah, the Owens, and cousins Becky & Bok and went to Wild River Country - a water park. Mimi made the trip back with us to help me. I think I would have been sad to come back to Pittsburgh after such a fun trip "back home," but Reagan was here waiting for us and we were very excited to see him (we had not seen him in over a week-he came back after a few days in NWA). We can't wait to go again!! Enjoy a few pics from our trip.
Mimi & Bah Bah and the grandkids
Strike the Naturals mascot - Byron won't go near him and Carter doesn't seem to fond of him either!
The Livers & Binns kiddos
Nana & the boys
Byron and his "girlfriend" Katie (the picture quality was horrible b/c the 2 would not slow down)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Touch a Truck

Last Saturday we went to the Junior League Pittsburgh Touch a Truck event, it was a lot like the one in Northwest AR, I wonder if the Pittsburgh League got the idea from the JLNWA b/c they started having this event a year later. It was a rainy day. Our new Alabama friends from church went with us (I didn't put any pics of them on here b/c I forgot to ask if it was ok with them). We had a lot of fun and Byron absolutely loved it! Carter hung out in the stroller most of the time. The event was downtown.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball Game

We took the boys to see the Braves vs. Pirates. The Pirates are awful, they hardly ever win a game, but they are fun to go to (they actually did win against the Cubs yesterday, Byron and Reagan went to that game as well. Carter and I stayed home b/c he has an ear infection and was sound asleep when they left).

The stadium is really nice, it is right in the middle of downtown. The boys did great. Byron LOVES baseball, he will sit and watch a whole game. Carter had fun just looking around at everything and soaking it all in. Byron has really gotten into playing baseball as well.

Byron's New Bike

Byron got a bike for a potty training incentive. He absolutely loves it! I can't believe how fast he caught on. He can pretty much ride it by himself. He is getting to be so big! He already tells people he is 3. I asked him why he tells people that because he isn't quite 3 yet, he said "Because Calliou is 3." Calliou (on PBS) is becoming one of his favorite tv shows, I like it too it is cute :) Byron says some of the funniest things!

At the park watching Byron ride!