Well, Week #3 wasn't the best...
The stomach bug hit our house. It started with Carter getting a touch of it and then gave it to Byron & Reagan. I managed to stay well (Huge Praise)! Byron bounced back within 24 hours and it took Reagan a couple of days, but everyone is well now!
But, the week got better on Saturday. I met some new friends and was invited to join their play group. They meet once a week and have babies that are all Carter's age. Byron will be the only "big boy", but I think that he will still enjoy going (I know I will)! There is only 1 other boy so his mom is excited to have another boy in th group. The first play date is Friday and I am looking forward to it!
Carter had his 6 month check-up today. He is doing great! He weighs 20.5lbs and is 28". He is in the 90th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference. For perspective, Byron was 23lbs and 29" at 6 months. So, Carter is just a little smaller. He is already wearing 12 month clothes. He is such a great baby, the move hasn't affected him a bit! Byron was such a trooper at the doctor's office, right now he isn't going to "school" so both boys go everywhere with me. Byron colored and watched Cars on the portable dvd player. I prepped him and told him that Carter was getting shots today, but Byron wasn't even paying attention when he got them. Byron was treated to cheese roll-ups from Taco Bell for his good behavior :)
Some fun things we have learned/that are different in Pittsburgh vs. NWA:
- The locals call it Pix-burgh
- Almost all houses have basements (ours doesn't, but that works better for our family)
- We have a laundry tub that our washing machine drains into
- Most houses are at least 2-story
- Everything is gas (hot water heater, dryer, furnace, stove) - this has been a bit of an issue for us, everything is good now though
- If offered a "pig in a blanket" turn it down! It isn't a little sausage in a crescent roll, it's yuck rolled in cabbage
- They call rubber bands "gum bands"
- The weather is about 10 degrees cooler, so not so bad compared to NWA. The snow is finally melting and we can see the ground!!
Carter sitting in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time (Chick Fil-A) - so thankful that there is one here :)

The boys are just smitten, it is so cute to see them.

Byron holding Carter.