Monday, March 1, 2010

Week #2 in Pittsburgh

We are slowly figuring out the area. I have found a few grocery stores, a couple of malls, some other stores, and some restaurants. I signed the boys up for Gymboree last week and Byron has loved it. They have some "Free Play" days so we have been taking advantage of those to get rid of some energy! Byron and Carter each have their own classes during the week as well. Below is Byron having fun at Gymboree.

We waited to start feeding Carter baby food (besides rice cereal) until we moved. He has tried sweet peas, bananas, and carrots. He loves to eat it! He is also teething and chewing on everything, below he is chewing on his baby spoon.

Below is the inside of the EMPTY POD. We have unpacked all of the boxes and are slowly getting organized.

We keep getting more snow. I have no idea how much because they clear the roads (or it doesn't stick). But, below is a picture of our front yard. It just keeps piling up! I am not sure we are ever going to see green grass again :)!

We had a really busy weekend. We did some shopping (found the local Sam's Club), went to a get-together at a co-worker's of Reagan's, and went to a new church. We really enjoyed the church and plan on going again next Sunday. They have lots of programs for kids and reminds us of UBC.



  1. Sounds like a good and productive week!

  2. I am so glad you are getting settled in. Thank you for the blog updates. It makes me feel like you are right here.
