The stomach bug hit our house. It started with Carter getting a touch of it and then gave it to Byron & Reagan. I managed to stay well (Huge Praise)! Byron bounced back within 24 hours and it took Reagan a couple of days, but everyone is well now!
But, the week got better on Saturday. I met some new friends and was invited to join their play group. They meet once a week and have babies that are all Carter's age. Byron will be the only "big boy", but I think that he will still enjoy going (I know I will)! There is only 1 other boy so his mom is excited to have another boy in th group. The first play date is Friday and I am looking forward to it!
Carter had his 6 month check-up today. He is doing great! He weighs 20.5lbs and is 28". He is in the 90th percentile for weight, height, and head circumference. For perspective, Byron was 23lbs and 29" at 6 months. So, Carter is just a little smaller. He is already wearing 12 month clothes. He is such a great baby, the move hasn't affected him a bit! Byron was such a trooper at the doctor's office, right now he isn't going to "school" so both boys go everywhere with me. Byron colored and watched Cars on the portable dvd player. I prepped him and told him that Carter was getting shots today, but Byron wasn't even paying attention when he got them. Byron was treated to cheese roll-ups from Taco Bell for his good behavior :)
Some fun things we have learned/that are different in Pittsburgh vs. NWA:
- The locals call it Pix-burgh
- Almost all houses have basements (ours doesn't, but that works better for our family)
- We have a laundry tub that our washing machine drains into
- Most houses are at least 2-story
- Everything is gas (hot water heater, dryer, furnace, stove) - this has been a bit of an issue for us, everything is good now though
- If offered a "pig in a blanket" turn it down! It isn't a little sausage in a crescent roll, it's yuck rolled in cabbage
- They call rubber bands "gum bands"
- The weather is about 10 degrees cooler, so not so bad compared to NWA. The snow is finally melting and we can see the ground!!
Carter sitting in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time (Chick Fil-A) - so thankful that there is one here :)

Byron holding Carter.
Love the update. It's so fun to see some of the differences between Pittsburg and NWA. Enjoy your play date tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteHi Kristy! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm going to have to catch up with yours. Anxious to hear what brought you and your family to Pitt. Where in the city are you living? I see that you found a church home here--that's great! I go to a playgroup with my church friends (and people who don't go to our church, as well) on Thursday mornings at 10:30. Let me know if you're interested in coming by with the boys to check it out! My email is